Saturday, May 8, 2021

Key West Inspired Renovation

I've had this dollhouse for a while now, it was rescued from a thrift shop and in pretty good shape. Originally I thought it was an Alison Jr. by Real Good Toys, but then realized the floor plan is reversed. After some research I found the original kit, and now I know it's a "Petite Dreams Victorian". It's practically identical to the Alison Jr, but built with hinges instead, and the trim on the outside is a little different. I've also noticed the doorways are more narrow than a standard RGT house.

After staring at it for several months, I decided it's better suited as a Key West - New Orleans - Charleston style house. I wanted it to be colorful, but didn't want the colors to get too overwhelming so I made the base house color white. That way the soft pastels and the green landscaping would "pop" a little more. I live in South Florida, so I've seen many houses as inspiration for both the exterior colors and the landscaping. I don't usually landscape my houses, but this definitely needed it. I bought a 2ft x 2ft plywood board at Lowes and sealed the house to the board before I began. It's a permanent part of the house now.

I haven't started the inside yet, but my intentions are to make every room white, and use my collection of white wire metal ornate furniture throughout the entire house. As you can see from the photos below, I've included some pieces outside already. Each room will have a very faint pop of a pastel color. I've been collecting white wire pieces for almost 10 years now. Some are Alice Lacy brand and some are Windsor Collection brand, and some are just beautiful unbranded pieces with intricate ornate designs. I've been buying them based on my taste, not so much brand name, but I have a feeling my collection is worth a pretty penny by now!

Once the inside is complete I'll do another video for my YouTube channel and post pictures here. For now though, please enjoy the exterior photos:

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Petite Dreams Victorian

Thank you for visiting!

~ Mini-Shack


  1. When I first saw the dolls' house, I thought it was so pretty as it was. Then, I saw your finished redesign and was blown away. Gorgeous. Can you direct me to a youtube channel or website blog for those of us new to a "miniatures" hobby?

    1. Thank you for your kind comments! I recommend checking out the Greenleaf Website forum, there are a lot of resources there.
      I dont have a favorite youtube channel, but I search it often to see what I can find :-) I also recommend Pinterest because there are a lot of tutorials on there. Good luck! It's a fun hobby.
